Due Date: 07-09-2020...Waiting for Baby

Baby B🇦🇺

So yesterday on 06-09-2020 at 39weeks 6days, I started having contractions at 1:43pm in frequency of 10min lasting for more than 1min and by 5:30pm it was in frequency of 3min lasting for more than 1min. At 10:30pm still on 3min frequency and I visted hospital. As you can see in the graph and the midwife also advised that the contractions were good and she checked my cervix which was 1cm dilated but still I was sent home and asked to come back when the contractions comes with more intense pain. I am at home and its 7:30am now on 07-09-2020 and contractions are still there but the pain hasn’t increased. Really don’t know how long is the wait for Baby to arrive