Symptoms I experienced before my water broke:


I have seen many people asking if this symptom or that symptom could be a sign that labor is near so I documented my own symptoms for the 2 weeks prior to my water breaking at 38 weeks and 5 days.

2-4 weeks prior-started feeling extra pressure on bladder and sharp hip pains when walking. Daily diarrhea.

2 weeks prior-started losing mucus plug pieces

Wednesday(1.5 weeks prior)-dr appt. 2cm dilated. Constipation started to return.

Sunday- Woken up early morning by very crampy stomach.

Tuesday-nauseous during the night. Period like cramps most of the day. Weird appetite-not hungry at all then suddenly really hungry. Some nausea during the day.

Wednesday-woken up 4am by several contractions about 10 min apart that stopped after eating and drinking. Dr appt 3.5 dilated.

Thursday- Some blood in mucus plug, most likely from cervical check. Baby dropped low into pelvis. Sharp hip pain when walking.

Friday-Cramping immediately after waking up. Pink tinged discharge. Lots of pressure and hip pain when walking at work.

Saturday- woke up to a very small gush of water and cramping. Hospital confirmed my water broke but still only dilated to 3.5 cm. Baby born Saturday night after pitocin was given to jumpstart labor.