Amniotic Fluid


So I think I’m leaking amniotic fluid. I’m 31+4 and I’m wearing a pad like L&D told me to do. Baby’s not moving too much. No contractions or Braxton Hicks. I guess I’m asking for advice on what to do between now and the next 2 hours? I haven’t had much sex this pregnancy and I think I had sex Friday night. So, probably not the issue. If my waters are leaking will the baby be okay at 31+4?

Update: not amniotic fluid, thankfully. Also, not urine, just a lot of clear discharge. They said if it continues then I might have to be on bed rest. I have a follow up with my ob on Thursday so he’s gonna check again. The nurse said I was having contractions, but I couldn’t feel them so I’m pretty sure they were super mild. Super weird cuz this has never happened before