Induction at 36 weeks!

I just knew when we found out we were finally pregnant with our rainbow baby that I would end up with another prem. Our son was born at 33+2 and it was the scariest time of my life and I still feel like I lost some kind of bond with him as it was all scary emergency situation.

But this time. This time my little girl held in there. My waters broke, at work at a supermarket, at 35+4. I have been in hospital since in early labour that just won’t establish. First I was told we were waiting and trying to keep her in. Then it was no food today your having a c section. Then this afternoon the OB came and offered us induction, which I was always told would most likely not be an option due to my previous issues. BUT YAY.

I get induced in the morning. And honestly I don’t think I have ever been so excited to willingly tear my body in half for that tiny human. But I’m also nervous. I know I can do this but for some reason I am nervous I will fail or nervous she will end up being taken from me for whatever reason.

I’m sure everything will be fine but I am so glad after 4 days of early labour and inconsistent stories we finally get our d day!!

Bring on tomorrow!


12 hours of intense labour for no progress in the end. Called it a day and had a c section (OB did due to previous c section). Born at 8:51pm weighing 2.43kg (5.3lb) welcome Millie our gorgeous miracle. Feeding like an absolute champ and so content!