Info from Speech Therapist

Hey mamas,

I noticed there have recently been a lot of questions on here relating to speech.

I had my son evaluated by a speech therapist this morning. It was very helpful because she came to our home and spent about 2 hours with us.

She stressed the importance of receptive language and also expressive. Receptive usually comes prior and mastering this is so important.

Even if your child is saying few words, if they are understanding several words and can point to and associate with the object (“where’s your nose?” “Where’s the door?” Etc) , follow commands (“go get me your shoes”) and multistep directions (“go to the table and bring me your cup”) then this is VERY good! And talking follows this. Every kid is different in the time frame this actually occurs sometimes it’s like a month or 2 but sometimes it’s several months.

Just thought I would share 😊