Jealous? Yes.


Venting post ahead:

So, I officially received an infertility diagnosis on Aug. 21. This was after begging several doctors over the years to rule out PCOS. So, my new doctor ruled it out and said I'm not conceiving because I'm not ovulating.

So, last week, I finished Provera. Tomorrow, I start my first round of Clomid.

Well, first thing this morning, one of my coworkers shared with our team that she is pregnant and due in March.

I want to be happy for her, but it's so hard! Another coworker just had a baby last week, and I have 2 baby showers to attend before the end of the month. It's so hard to stay positive when everyone around you seems to be having babies left and right but you've been trying for over 5 years with no luck.

Thanks for listening ❤