Sign or no??


Hey everybody my boyfriend and I have been ttc for a year now and through much emotional roller coasters I think maybe I’m not meant to have this child. I know we haven’t tried as long but it’s what I’ve been feeling recently.

We pray every day for this child. I know that our child would be filled with so much love because my boyfriend without a doubt in my heart is my soulmate.

I already know the name i want if my child is a boy. I know people think it’s bad luck to name a child you don’t have yet but whatever we’re excited!

My boyfriend wants a boy named after him. I removed a letter from his name and agreed with the new name.

So yesterday I went out to eat at a restaurant (for my birthday 🥳 ) that I’ve never been to before. It’s also my first time going out to eat anywhere since COVID. Well when we got to the restaurant there was a plaque on the wall that read the exact name ! And it even had an initial for a last name which begins with the first letter of my last name! I just thought it was crazy. I’m not really a believe of signs but this stroke me as so odd. I don’t know what to think of it. I’m trying to be positive but it’s difficult. What do you guys think?