Trying to conceive after Partial Molar Pregnancy


Hello everyone, I found out I was pregnant early March 2020. We were so excited as it was our first baby and we had been trying for over a year & 4 months to conceive. In early May, I was about to hit 12 weeks I had an ultrasound checkup and found out the baby had passed away at 10weeks 3 days. My doctor confirmed it was a partial molar pregnancy. Before my D&C my levels were over 700,000 (crazy) and after I had my d&c my levels dropped significantly. I would get my bloodwork once a month to see the progress of my levels and finally in about 2 and a half months my levels went from 700,000 to 5 (negative). Thank god my levels haven’t spiked or even went up at all. I don’t want to make this story to long but I am curious if any of you ladies has went through this tragedy and after reaching 0, if you have tried ttc. I am a little worried to try again but also hopeful that everything will be ok! Please respond if you have experienced this! Thank you 💕

Hcg Levels

May 5- 697,524 before d&c

May 6- 494,000 1 day after finding out baby passed away

May 7- 170,000 (After D&C)

May 11- 36,745

June 1- 483

July 1- 20

July 28- 5