Probably having too much hope..😅

Missed my period for a week. Thought I was pregnant. Tested and BFN.

Then i started spotting and gave up. But it lasted 7 days. Didnt even need a tampon.

I always have 4 day period that is heavy the whole time.

Didnt even cramp this time so I tested stupidly yesterday.

There was a ***barely*** visible pink shadow. I had to look at by the lamp to see more than a shadow.

It looked different from all my BFNs so im confused.

I shouldnt be though 😅😞 it was probably a weird AF and the line is probably a terrible indent. I dont even want to test again. I still have an OB appointment tomorrow but i have basically zero hope. I've never heard of someone getting a faint shadow at 6 weeks pregnant which I would be today.

Im not asking for hopeful comments as i know it'll be false but i am hopefully trying to ask for support and reassuring advice during this stressful and depressing time 😅 thank you all for your understanding and for taking the time of your day to read this small little vent c: