Officially lost.


Okay backstory.

Last month I got my peak CD 15 (Confirmed with ClearBlue Ovulation Tests) No irregular bleeding. No BFP Either.

This month I was using Pregmate strips, and found them a little harder to read but other than that they're okay.

I got what I'm pretty positive was my peak on CD 11.

Now fast forward to today I'm 6 dpo, and when I went to the bathroom this morning, when I wiped I had very noticeable brown discharge. (Sorry. Tmi). Ndot enough to wear a pad but it was definitely there.

And it kinda baffled me.

It was only the one time and I haven't had any since then.

6 dpo is too early for implantation bleeding right? Maybe I got my ovulation wrong and it's ovulation bleeding? I did take a ovulation test today though just in case and it was negative. I never bleed outside my period. I hadnt had sex since almost 24 hours earlier. What could the brown discharge more likely be? Implantation or ovulation bleeding?