My little NICU man got all of his lines out today!

MyLittleButtercup • Mama. Wife. Teacher. My girl is 4 and my little miracle dude is 2. It’s been a wild ride! 🎉🤷🏼‍♀️

He had his arterial line and nutrition line pulled last night and this morning. ONE STEP CLOSER TO COMING HOME! He’s been through so much in this first week of his little life. I cannot WAIT to take him home with me, but I know I will have to wait at least a couple more days. Still no word on when he’ll get discharged, but based on what they said a few days ago, it will probably be Thursday or Friday. The only thing keeping me from just losing it completely is knowing what wonderful, caring hands he’s in. Those NICU nurses and doctors are truly amazing.❤️

When I came for my morning visit, I was just in time to see them switching him from the “robot bed” he was in with all the arm holes and face shields and cords... to a regular old bassinet with no special frills! That’s what we’ve been looking forward to! I also came in as they were putting actual clothes on him for the first time! Little by little, we are making progress. He’s eating like a champ and his clotting factors are rising steadily. This is the last thing we’re waiting on for him to come home! 🙌🏻 Trying to get to 150 and he’s at 94 right now. Closer and closer!!

I just want to say thank you to everyone that has commented and spoken words of encouragement to me through this experience. It has been such a blessing to me. I have needed the extra push and you ladies have helped me with your support, more than you know! 🥰

Here they are switching out the beds as I was walking in the NICU. ❤️ So happy that I just so happened to be there to see it!

Here’s his first onesie ever!

I got to bring him a swaddle set that I bought for him to wear. So happy! It’s the little things right now. ❤️