How to deal with sister in law

My eldest brother and I have always been extremely close (even though we have a 12 year gap between us) and our relationship was a healthy one, we would argue like siblings do sometimes but always forgive and forget at the end of the day. But then THAT woman came into the picture and literally subtracted him from the family. He’s literally not allowed to go anywhere without her except for work, he can’t text other females (not even me ok) and this woman just won’t let me have a single chat about anything with my brother! (Also she went hysterical and broke a mirror at their house just because he came over to watch a soccer game with me, our parents and our younger brother)

The thing is that our family has a wealthy position and we own several businesses where my brother has hired her (even though she has the IQ of a chicken nugget) and the lady just starts to fire and insult every female worker! (And talks shit about my family to everyone who walks into our stores)

It gets worse, my dad fired her, and now she has been a ‘housewife’ for four years. A housewife who demands a BMW SUV, thousands of Pandora stuff, brand new iPhones, trips to the Caribbean, I can go on and on...

Now the issue on the table. My brother was stupid enough to propose to her and now this Kim Kardashian wannabe wants my family to pay for her family’s accommodation, her dress and on top of mom and I are not invited to the reception. Like we can go to the ceremony and then vanish

At this point I’m considering wearing white...

And I’ve tried to talk to my brother about this gold digger but...when you’re in ‘love’ well...your senses are not in connection with reality

Thanks for coming to my TED talk I just needed to vent but I would love to read some comments on this