First Relationship

Im 19, and I have never been in a relationship. I know there is no rush when it comes to finding the right one but it would still be nice to be in one; to have a partnership. I recently met this guy who did two of my tattoos so far. I absolutely adore the fact that he is an artist because i am infatuated with art and what he does. You might think its too soon to tell but there was and still is an obvious attraction between him and I. The 2nd time we were together we had sex (heat of the moment type thing). This happened while i was away at college and I am back home now a little more than an hour away from him. He is kind of nonchalant when it comes to texting so I can never tell what he’s feeling but in person, he’s alot different (easy to talk to, funny, caring, etc.) I want to ask him about his intentions and if he even wants a relationship but I feel like its a little too soon to ask. He’s asked me about the next time he can come and see me so we can actually spend more time together and get to know each other more. I want to be able to open my heart to him but i also don’t want to rush into things. Any advice?