38 week appointment


So tomorrow is my 38 week prenatal appointment and I know for a fact my ob will check my cervix for dilation and effacement tomorrow (he starts at 38 weeks and since we are discussing an elective induction at 39 weeks he has to see if my cervix is favorable) but I'm worried that I'm not dilated as much as I think. I recently passed a big piece of my mucus plug and typically your cervix dislodges the plug when you're starting to dilate but I don't know if I am or not and I'm worried that I'm not dilated hardly at all and not effaced. If I'm not and I reach whatever induction date I'm given and I'm still not, the induction process could take longer or fail and result in a c-section. I just want my body to make progress. I know it takes time but I just feel like nothing is happening. I'm still passing small pieces of my mucus plug but in a way I don't think I'm dilated a lot but tomorrow hopefully we will see and hopefully I will get some good news.