Oh my sweet boy..

Daddy and I are going through a lifetime of events, more downs than ups, and with the hurt I've caused him, I don't know if we'll ever get our footing back.

But every time we have our custody exchanges, you're so sad to go from me. And everytime you come back, you have the nicest smile and the greatest hugs. I know you love your daddy too, but I know you're trying to get us all back together.

Deep down, I really hope it works.

Your sister is too young to understand, and your baby brother isn't born yet. Maybe someday mommy will tag along for the ride my sweet boy. I know you make me want to try anything. I know as much as you that daddy is amazing and perfect for us, that is, only if mommy can be perfect too.

I love you all. I hope your heartbreak is temporary, take care of daddy for me my sweet sweet boy.