Maisie Rey - born 39 weeks


Apparently all it took was me having a bad attitude to bring on labor last night 🙊. Everything happened so fast! I lost a piece of my mucus plug (it was very small), and laid my daughter down for bed. At 8:28pm I had my first contraction, felt more like a period cramp and I didn't think much of it. They continued every 3-4 minutes but I could walk and talk through them. I cleaned my house, did my laundry and at 10:30pm decided to call because the contractions didn't let up. My midwife advised I take a nice bath or shower and try to lay down to see if the contractions slow down and to call back if they continued or got stronger. Took a bath, contractions were now coming every 2 minutes. I took my time, got out and got dressed. I tried laying down but the pain was too much during the contractions. Husband got home at 11:20pm, I couldn't walk or talk through the contractions anymore so we called the midwife again who suggested we head in. I had to wait for my sister in law to come over to watch my daughter before we could leave but we arrived at the birth center at 12:45pm. They took me to an exam room but after seeing me go through 2 contractions back to back they realized they wouldn't be sending me home. I picked the room I wanted to labor in (just the one furthest away from the other mommy in labor) and by the time I got through another contraction my midwife moved me to a room already set up for someone to push. We go in, I felt like I needed to pee so they let me get to the toilet and thats when the pressure to push started. I started pushing during a contraction and then they checked my cervix, baby girl was RIGHT there, so they asked me to get to the bed ASAP. I hobbled over, got on all fours and started having contractions with the urge to push, so I did. At 1:11am, my beautiful Maisie was born weighing 7lb 5oz. I went unmedicated and am seriously shocked that the worse pain was during my contractions in the car. We have to stay 18hours for observation because I was GBS positive but we didn't have enough time to get the antibiotics before she was born. I'm so excited to introduce her to her sister later today 🥰