Stressed out

Can someone please ease my anxiety. I had my first nurse consult this morning and I asked if seeing a strong heartbeat at 8 weeks was a good indication that miscarriage was less likely to occur. She said that it didn’t indicate anything.

Is this true?

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Posted at
I am normally an anxious person but for this... I’m on my best behavior & assuming you are too! The rest is out of our hands. But yes at 8 weeks your chances are much lower. AND it proves you didn’t have a chemical pregnancy that resulted in a miscarriage you had yet to know about — the heartbeat is still going. If unfortunately we miscarry, it’s most likely because of abnormalities and might not have been a healthy or happy life. All will be well.


Posted at
The risk of miscarriage drops to like 2.5% after 8 weeks so there’s still a chance but it’s very small


Posted at
Yes its true. Miscarriage can still happen even if everything seemed normal. But you should try to enjoy the moment regardless