8W6 Ultrasound


Yesterday I had my third ultrasound to check on this baby bean. I’ve had multiple previous miscarriages and a previous ectopic so my OB is being incredibly cautious and thoughtful with all my anxiety. She’s having me come every two weeks to check on the growth and heartbeat and honestly I could not be happier.

We saw this little BB yesterday measuring exactly at 8W6 which is perfect based on our calculations (was measuring a bit small two weeks ago). Heart rate is up to 186 now from 127.

I just ordered the SneakPeek at-home gender test 🙈 I’m just so excited I can hardly wait.

This is the furthest I’ve ever been with a pregnancy, and while my anxiety is still firing on all cylinders, I’m finally getting comfortable with the idea that this little babe is here to stay.

Any guesses on the sex based on the ultrasound? Transvaginal