I found out that I was pregnant about two weeks ago

I found out that I was pregnant about two weeks ago. When I told my boyfriend he was not happy about it and immediately shamed me and made me cry. I’m 8 weeks pregnant now and he wants nothing to do with me. Two days ago he kicked me out of his house and broke up with me. He barely communicates with me and I honestly feel like I disgust him. I’ve never felt so small and so unwanted. I’m 21 and I live with my parents, my sister, and my nephew in a very small 2 bedroom apartment. I want to go through with the pregnancy but I know that I will not fit here with a child so I looked for apartments and rooms but the apartments were too expensive. Luckily I was able to find a small room in a shared living space for $360 a month but I only get paid $125 a week since I have less hours now due to COVID. If I save 3 of my paychecks every month I might just be able to afford the room. I asked my boyfriend who is now my ex if he could help me with $100 a month to take a little weight off my shoulders but he says that he’s not about to pay my rent and that he will only be there for the baby when it is born even though he prefers an abortion. I haven’t told my mom because she has an old school mentality, I know that she will shame me yell at me and be disappointed in me. I’ve never been so sad and heartbroken. I have no help but everyday I get up and I try and I push myself and I pray to God for strength and answers. I feel like I’m running in circles. I was with my boyfriend for a year and a half and I never thought that he would turn out to be this type of person but that goes to show you that you never really finish meeting a person. Pregnancy is beautiful but it’s different for everybody and I wish that I could have gotten positive reactions and support the way that I’ve seen many of you get it. I hope to get some advice from you because at this point I just don’t know what to do anymore