Covering cuts


Hey so I start school on Monday but I have scars from self harm all over my arms and legs. I was wondering if anyone knew any tricks or makeup stuff that would help me cover them? My family and close friends know so over the summer i’ve been wearing shorts and T-shirts and I’m dreading the idea of having to cover my entire body again. (I don’t want other kids at school to know. Being known as the girl who has self harm scars/cuts isn’t what i’m going for. Plus kids can be assholes) I only cut once in the past 2 months. (I’m very proud of that! It used to be at least 2/3 times a week for a bit longer than half a year). I’ll put some pics so y’all can see what we’re working with. Thank you for reading this and any advice is helpful! Love y’all! 💕

Btw, I own some makeup but I have no idea how to use most of it since i’ve only tried using makeup a few times.

(These are the newest set of cuts i’ve made⬆️)

Edit: I know i’ve responded to everyone so far but I’ve wanted to thank everyone for their kind words and advice. Y’all don’t know how happy it makes me to hear that others are proud of me for something that some people say is just stupid and unreasonable and i’m just looking for attention by cutting. I started cuz I was really depressed and felt like shit and couldn’t think of anything to help me cope. My first and only coping method that i’ve been using my entire life stopped working for me a bit ago so i’ve been struggling finding new methods. (If anyone wants to know ive been using my own imaginary world to escape and cope ever since my dad died when I was 5. But now that i’m older and I have real people and friends to be with and talk to, my other world kinda faded a bit so it no longer helps me like it used to.) (The world is called a paracosm if anyone is wondering. I did some googling a while ago and it’ll explain how these worlds work.))

I mean I did start scratching until a got to a white layer maybe tissue under my skin that hurt to the touch. (I didn’t care enough to learn what I was scratching) And i’ve always bit myself and dug my nails into my skin to feel better so it shouldn’t have been a surprise when I started cutting. I knew cutting was a way people coped and me, as desperate as I was, did it and before I knew it, I was addicted. So thank you guys so much for helping me and saying you’re proud. As I mentioned before my famiy (grandparents and two brothers) know but they just say that I should just stop cuz it’s dumb and I could get infections. They don’t really pay attention when I have cuts anyways. My older brother picks on me for it but my younger brother does care and does his best to help distract me if he notices i’m upset or depressed and seeming like i’ll cut. He helps a lot. He actually helped me make my other world all that time ago. It was our world until a few years ago. We believed it was real too until we got too old to convince ourselves any longer. I still used it though since it did help and it’s all I had. So one more thank you to all you lovely and amazing people. i’m sorry I write so much too I never mean to but my fingers just keep typing. I love y’all though and thank you if you read this mess of an essay. 💕💕