Vent!!!! no judging please


Gonna vent here a little. Been with my fiancé for 9 years straight never took a break never broken up. He proposed last month we plan to get married next year. We have a 2 year old Son and are Expecting our babygirl in about 3 weeks. Very much in love , have always been. Never thought I would be experiencing what I’m experienced today. So basically at my doctors appointment they told me I tested positive for herpes. Now In my mind the first thing that came to mind was that he cheated . They said I’ve had it since April (not sure why their just now telling me at 9 months) but I just don’t understand. I’ve never had a thought in my mind of him cheating so it’s very confusing to me. I do suffer from hidradenitis supparativa where I get boils I thought maybe she could have mistaken that for it however she said no ma’am . My numbers were low so I’m guessing that’s a good thing. Anywho, my fiancé swears that he hasn’t cheated and I kind of believe him he’s never given me any reason to believe that he has cheated in the past. But it’s still getting to me bc I contracted this disease some way. Just don’t understand how. Please give me some words of encouragement I’m feeling like it’s the end of the world.