I’m only 27 years old, my SO is 25. And I swear we feel like an old couple. Every off day he has to take 2 naps, one when they nap and one when they first go to bed.. it’s ANNOYING. I’m with our kids more EVERYDAY, yet he’s the one always tired 😒😒. He just sits on the couch, read his book off his phone, then falls asleep. HE’S 25, why is he acting sooooo old and boring??! It’s annoying because we don’t do anything until late at night when he FINALLY wakes up from his last nap. Sometimes I take the last nap with him because I be so bored by myself 😑. Is this my life for the rest of my life with him? It’s a drag to doing this EVERY off day of his and a DRAG to continuously let it be known I want to do other things outside the house WITH him and not just me and our kids. We moved far away from family so I have no one to hang with outside of our little family, and no friends here (hence why I’m on this app). This life is boring for me right now and I’m just ready to do ANYTHING, ANYTHING aside from his boring ass! I don’t wanna feel this way but today was my breaking point on his 2nd day off this week and the same shit happening, and this has been going on for MONTHS.. I’m just ready to gooooo and that is sad asf I feel this way off what may seem little asf to others 😤. Any advice??