Leg twitching and turning purple???

I just started the nuva ring about a week or two ago and for the past few days my foot and leg have been twitching a lot, like my foot will jerk hard (like when you’re about to fall asleep but you jump awake type jerk? if you know what that feels like 😅) it’s happened four times in the past hour I just wonder if anyone else has experienced this while on the ring. Also when i stand still or am sitting my foot will turn purple/blue and lose circulation too, this usually happens when I get cold but it’s just been getting more frequent since I started the ring.


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Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, i’m aware that the ring has a background of creating blood clots as well but my parents don’t seem too worried and just said to keep an eye on it but I wanted more in sight of others experiences. Thank you for reading :)


I just had an emergency meeting with my gyno as it hasn’t gone away since saturday night and has been increasingly worse spasms, tingling, and numbness. He says he doesn’t believe it has to do with blood clots but thinks it is a neurological issue and limited circulation (my legs were almost completely purple when i was sitting waiting for him) Thank you all so much for the reply’s and concerns

UPDATE: i had to go to the ER last night for sudden swelling in my leg, they did blood work and tested for clots which came back negative, however the blood work showed my potassium was really low considering the week before all this it was in normal range. Thank you guys for all the concern and everything I just wanted to give an update in case anyone sees this.

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Posted at
I would go to er or call the nurse line to see if they think it’s worrisome


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I could be speaking out of turn, but I believe that birth control can cause deep vein thrombosis! Go get checked out ASAP!!!!


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Yeah I would go to hospital or at least call a doctor, hope everything is okay!


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I would most definitely go to the ER. Those are not normal side effects.


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I would take that out ASAP & call a health link to see if you need to visit the ER!!!!! Pls don’t leave this!!! THIS IS NOT NORMAL. better safe than sorry