Just needing to vent

Found out today my younger sister is pregnant again. Super excited for her, yet also jealous. I did tell her too, since we luckily have that type of sister relationship. Husband and I have been trying since April to get pregnant with our 2nd but it still hasn’t happened. I am most jealous that my sister seems to be fertile myrtle and get pregnant quickly and easily and she’s not even trying. She jokes I jinxed her since I said that she will probably get pregnant before I do this time. My little one and her youngest child are born about 6 weeks apart. So keeping my fingers crossed that hopefully I may get pregnant soon so that we can have our kids be close in age again. But also trying not to get my hopes up since it took me a year last time to get pregnant. Just had to vent it out since she’s still early so she’s not telling anyone yet.