

Hello all. I’ve always had bouts of anxiety and depression. I’ve struggled with postpartum as well after both of my babies were born. I’m currently pregnant and the sickness has definitely made it worse so I’ve been considering going back on my medication (I usually stop when pregnant). My sickness improved and I was doing well. Then a relative needed me to come help her. She had no one else so I went to assist. I had to leave my children (3 years old and 1.5 year old) and my husband for 4 days. I missed them terribly, felt lonely and I did cry several times (I’m sure pregnancy hormones were making it worse). I got to come home yesterday and I was so excited. By yesterday evening, however, I started feeling depressed. Again today, I feel withdrawn, so tired, unhappy.. it’s weird because, I was excited to come home. Why am I depressed now that I am? Did the separation trigger it? I know I mask around others, so did the depression just begin now because home is my safe place where I don’t feel the need to mask? I’m wondering how long this episode will last and if I should just go ahead and start my medication back. I’d rather be a present mama.. but my anxiety makes me worry the medication will hurt them baby (even though the doctor says it’s fine). Okay. Thanks for reading. Even just typing this out has helped.