In need of relationship advice 😪

Me and my boyfriend have been dating for 5 months... and a few weeks ago he started ignoring my texts and eventually texted me at 3am saying he’s been up all night because he feels lost and that he needs time. Eventually we talked about it and all he was so “lost” over is that we haven’t been able to see eachother a lot lately because I work and have classes so its hard for me to find free time :( but he was reconsidering our relationship over this and I guess I understood where he was coming from but now we’ve been fine...

He started partying with his friends a lot and drinking with girls there and Ive been fine with it. He’s just been really distant with me lately and he turned his location off on snap and imessage. Also he is unemployed and still owes a lotttt of money in student loans...

I guess what I’m struggling with is if he is worth my time :/ I really love him but its been a struggle and I have my whole life ahead of me but it will hurt so bad if I have to let him go but maybe Im depending on him too much for my happiness?