HOT Flashes... at 27?!?!


For the last month or so, I have been experiences what I can only assume to call, hot flashes.

It feels like the heat builds inside my chest and spreads to my whole body, within seconds I’m sweating. I work in an office that is usually so cold that I’m in long pants and sleeves and still use a lap blanket. I’ve been in skirts and tank tops lately to TRY to be comfortable.

I wake up in the middle of the night sweating, then 10 minutes later I’m freezing.

I experienced this for about 6 months when I was 14, and no one could ever tell me what was going on.

I was not on birth control of any kind then. I currently use the copper IUD, so I don’t think it’s an outside hormonal source.

Any ideas? Doctors have no clue.