Asking for ALL the POSITIVE Energy & Prayers


Hi everyone, it's been a long time since I've been on. I'm 36 (37 in Jan). My hubs (38)

and I have been TTC for a little over 2 years, I was even on fertility pills for about a year off/on but I stopped taking them bc I didn't help. My periods we're still a bit crazy (every other week) once I stopped but somehow out of nowhere this past spring AF got back in track (Thank God!). So ever since then we've been able to be more intimate without the "trying" stress; we've just been enjoying each other.

Well... Guess who's 8 days late?! 🤯🥳

I'm happy but more so scared/nervous that it's not real and my bodies just reverting back to its old habits. I called my Dr and the nurse said if I am I'm 5wks and 1 day today. So she's ordering labs to be certain. I've taken a few stick tests but they've been - which would make sense for me bc my past 2 pregnancies with my daughter's didn't show + until I was about 6-8 weeks along. So please please please I'm asking for everything you've got! Send me so the positive energy and prayers!

Baby Dust to all! ✨