Pls help ((:

I was on birth control march 2018-April 2019. But I think I messed up by stopping the pill mid cycle instead of finishing the pack. So I got my period in April & May & then June came & I didn’t get any periods. I went to Planned parenthood in November 2019? & they gave me progesterone test ? The pills you take for 5 days & if I got a period within 2 weeks I’d be fine, so I ended up getting the period in December & January , but that was it. & then June 2020 I found the “birth control cleanse” from prenatal wellness hoping it’d help, & then I got my period at the end of July 202, but missed my period once again this month. I’ve never been irregular & it’s kind of scary. Just wondering if there were any tips I could receive ? Please & thank you in advanced (: