Do u know anyone or possibly maybe experienced first hand?.....


So after my 3rd child I decided to go in and have clamps put onto my tubes. Back then my reasoning in this thinking was well if I decide later in life that I want more then I'll just get it reversed.... yeah right lol... I definitely should've looked a lot further into my options back then! But I had this procedure done in 2009.... so it was 11 years ago. I have heard stories and have been told that people who have had their tubes clamped have still became pregnant some time in life. I'm not sure if this is 100% factual or not but I've been told that as the years go by and the longer it's been, although still rare, ur possibilities to becoming pregnant go up. I have recently had so really weird things going on and I've always been one to say that if it happens then it's definitely meant to b! So my question is do any of u know anyone who has become pregnant after having clamps put on their tubes, or have u experienced this first hand urself? I'm also looking for any opinions and maybe any type of facts or research or whatever anyone has that they could possibly shed a little light on this question for me... that would b fantastic. Thanks to all of u in advance and I look forward to reading all ur comments.