Horrible mum

Brooke 🎀

Hi ladies. This is going to be a long one sorry.

I just want to know If I’m not the only one..

So I’m 28 years old & I have a 8 month old ( as we all probably do now ) and my whole life my mum hasn’t been very supportive in anything I do.

Now I have had a child.. I finally want to get my boobs done.. I am a single mum.. and I’m doing a pretty damn good job at it if I do say so myself. I have always hated my boobs and I want to make my self feel good. I have the money for it, and I thought well why not.

When I found out I was pregnant, my mum didn’t want me to have it.. cause I had no partner and wasn’t married..

but I had her and she’s honestly the best thing in my life not to mention she’s the apple to my parents eyes.

I booked my surgery in for my boobs which is next month, I’ll be staying at my best friends house ( our babies are 8 weeks apart ) I also work 1-2 days a week ( I got my own business in dog & cat grooming ) which I am really busy. Always have been.

I was so scared to tell my mum when my surgery day was.. but I did it today.

She said I was vain and up my self and I’m a disappointment to her, and a whole lot of other hurtful stuff..

As I was sitting down today having a break before my next appointment ( as I am working today ) I was thinking.. my mum has never ever said she is proud of me my whole life.. never said she’s proud I’m doing a good job as a single mum.. never said she’s just proud of me in general.. but has on fb where everyone can see it.. I started to get teary cause I’m never going to get that from her. I’m never going to get the relationship I wish I had with my mum like some of my friends have with there mum.

If I don’t do what my mum wants me to do .. it’s “ I’m ungrateful and I’m just disappointing her even more “ I always want to her approval and I never understood why.

I think I won’t ever ever do this to my child. I want her to come to me about everything and anything and I’ll always support her.

When my baby was 6 weeks my Mum said to me how my child won’t ever have a dad if I don’t find someone and that I’ll be put on the shelf for the rest of my life and be alone.. that shit hurts so much.

I always think I’m never good enough.

I could go on and on for the things she has said to me.

Does anyone else have a parent like this?

Photo of my baby cause she’s damn cute!