What would you do??

My husband and I have been TCC with a reproductive endocrinologist for over two years. Hubby has very low sperm count. He's had two surgeries already to try and get his counts up but they have not helped at all. We have been told Our last option is <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> with TESE, where they cycle me with drugs to a magical day and take both of us into surgery where they would literally cut into his testes and remove sperm, Harvest some of my eggs and fertilize them in a Petri dish. Then turn around and put the baby in my uterus and hope it implants. 
They have to find at least 20 sperm to fertilize my egg . So far the most they have been able to find in a seman analysis is 3. 
I want more than anything to give him a baby that is biologically his. My heart breaks for him. I want us to have a child together, we are great parents and have so much love to give. 
The procedure is very expensive and we don't have very good odds. The last Doctor we saw was the only one who agreed to even do the surgeries and he said $30k for a 30% chance of getting pregnant, but he highly recommended we have a live donor on stand by during the surgery just in case. 
There is so much about this I can't wrap my head around and I wanted to ask what you ladies thought. 
1) does this sound too much like playing God?? 
2) would you use a donor if you needed to in the surgery? 
3) would you use your husbands brother as a donor?? ( so the baby will at least LOOK like your husband? ) 
4) if you did have to use the donor....would you want to know about it?? ( like sometimes donor sperm gets mixed in a cup with other samples to keep it anonymous and parents always FELT like it was biologically their child because they never really knew for sure 100%) 
5) is this all just a waste of money? Quit trying? 
6) does it really even matter - just go  adopt again??