Great news !!


So I went in for my check up yesterday and I was told from my previous check up that itd only be measuring of my belly and blood pressure. I saw a NP because the new MW they gave me when switching hospitals was unavailable. So yesterday I got to meet my MW ( not delivering my baby ) and i told her I had some sharp pains that just keep getting worse on my left side and she told me it was ligament getting stretched ( I had no clue what that meant other than stretch marks coming to mine because all I heard was stretch 😅 ) but then she said let’s check on baby to make sure that’s what it is, do you want to see baby ? And i said YESSSSS !!!! ( didn’t expect to see her until October that’s why I was so excited after not seeing her for 6 months from an OB/ MW ) and my MW kept pulling my shorts down and more down and I’m like why is she going so low ? 🧐🤨 and then she says “ahhh there’s baby’s head !! WOW she’s really low that’s why you are getting sharp ligament pains out of no where” and I didn’t know know what to say other than to be shocked !! She said we’d check my cervix next appointment and prep me for labor but how exciting is this !!?? Now most definitely I’m 95% sure she’s going to come earlier than her due date 😬🤞🏻 * 33 + 4 *