15 month check up 😔


I hate these things!! She's so happy walking in not knowing what she's in for. She didn't want the doctor touching her, she pushed her with her hands and feet and said "No!". She fortunately was showing off before the doctor started examining her, pointing out her colors and animals and the sounds they make 🤣 the doctor was amazed and said with her being developmentally advanced I can expect to see the "terrible 2's" creep in early as well 😒 uuhhh yup, noted. When the doctor was done she says "ok Rosalie I'm all done" and Rosalie says "all done, thank you" 🤣🤣😂😭 then the shots! Chicken pox and flu, she did well the nurse was very fast. She weighs 21.5lbs and is 32.5". 🤗