Spit up

Is it normal for my 3 month old to spit up all day long, even after 3 hours of eating she still spits up. I’m not sure if she’s over-eating, I give her 6oz and she still cries so I pop the paci in and she’s fine, today I gave her 5oz and paci to see if she was full and she was good after that so I’m going to continue with 5oz. She spits up so much, and tummy time is the absolute worse. Sometimes she spits up what looks like bile, it’s almost clear and mucousy instead of milk, also sometimes she spits up a ridiculous amount and it just falls out of her mouth onto the floor and she looks disgusted as it comes out. I’m not sure how her weight is, they never weighed her at 2 months old but I think she’s about 12 pounds now and born at 8.8.