A different transformation Tuesday


A different kind of transformation Tuesday for you guys. 1 year ago vs last weekend at 26 weeks pregnant with my 5th. I found myself looking at the pictures I asked Mario to take of me and Rosie, and thought “damn he got me at a bad angle” and I haven’t actually thought that in so long!


It’s hard, because even though I’m pregnant, it’s sometimes hard to accept and realize I’m gaining weight and my body is clearly telling me. That is why the past few days have been more rough then they have been this whole pregnancy for me mentally. It’s not because of the scale because I literally only weigh myself at my doctors appointments, but it’s how I feel. I have to bend over and hold my lower back just to get up the stairs, my hips are killing me, I’m out of breath when I eat (due to hiatal hernia) None of my clothes except 5 things fit, anyways you get the point. It’s hard. It’s hard mentally to accept it. Some days are harder then others and those are the days I feel like I’m crawling back into the same space that was when I was at my highest weight, even though I know it’ll be worth it all at the end it’s still tough in the hear and now and process. I am proud of myself for the healthier choices and lifestyle I have continued to live, as pregnancy can easily become an excuse to eat whatever you want, I wanted to be as healthy as possible. So I am proud! Anyways enough with the negative. I guess I just want to be as open as possible about this journey, as I’ve always been. I wish I could say it’s been amazing but it’s been rough.


Anyways I am blessed and so grateful that my body has carried and birthed 4 beautiful babies, and now will be welcoming another in just a short 12 weeks. I just have to keep my head up, and just remind myself that it’ll all be worth it in the end. I can’t wait to meet our little boy, I’m sure I’ll cry in happiness. I’m so excited for that moment. 💕💕