People don't understand TTC

Wesli • Calvin 04.05.17❤️
My husband and i have been TTC for 7/8 months now. Hopefully this month is it, I'm 2 days late, and don't feel like I'm about to start. But I was talkin to some coworkers and they were joking around  with me and said something along the lines of "oh she will probably cry if she starts her period. But she'll probably cry if she doesn't either!" And I started thinking, both of them have children and one is currently expecting, but NONE of the pregnancies were planned. Sure they wanted a baby at some point, but they've never had to WANT a baby and every month be sad that it didn't happen for them. Or have to pretend their hearts aren't breaking every time a coworker talks about their pregnancy. It's so frustrating and upsetting. Ik I'm ranting but there's only so much a person can hold in. I have taken a test and it said "no" but I'm hoping I just tested to early, and will try again in a few days provided I don't start.