Surgery-Mom V Fiancé


So I’m having a minor surgery done next week and my mom, who is paying for it because I’m still on her insurance, wants to go with me obviously. However, because of COVID they’re only allowing 1 person to stay with me. I am about to be married in a few months to my lovely fiancé who is honestly my rock through everything. He is always there for me and such a good hubby-to-be.

Well, I told my mom I want him to be with me and she started pitching a fit like a five year old and said, “he’s not family yet” and “he’s not paying for it.” While I understand that she is doing a lot for me by paying for it, it is not my fault I had a health issue that needs surgery. I feel that, as an adult, I should be able to choose who I want to stay with me during this procedure. It is not like I don’t want my mom there too, shes a huge help and an intelligent nurse, but again, these hospital restrictions are out of my control and I don’t want to kick my soon-to-be husband out.

Regardless, my mom made me feel really bad about this and now I’m not sure if what I’m choosing or how I’m feeling is wrong. I just need some opinions because I’m so tired of questioning my own decision over this.

Is is wrong to choose the person that keeps you mentally and emotionally stable over the parent paying???