Going past the due date 🤔


Just a question... is it bad for someone to go past their due date (40 weeks)? I’m due Sept 28 th, but there’s a new thing, going into effect on Oct 1, for my hubby to get paid time off for paternity leave....soo, it wouldn’t be too bad if baby came on Oct 1, which is also my hubbbys bday !!! The only thing I worry about is, my baby being much bigger than if he comes at 38 or 39 weeks😅... nurse practicioner guesstimated, he would be a 7 pound baby if I make it to 40, but I had an ultrasound two days ago and he was measuring 7 lbs 1 ounce and I’m only 38 weeks ..

(My first son was 7 lbs 5 ounces and I went into labor at 39 weeks plus 3 days, but I think the chiropractor i had seen, hours earlier, was what started labor, so I have no clue when I would have gone in labor, without the chiropractor moving my belly around lol .. IF it really was bc of that🤨I had contractions that night, and got to hospital and I was slowly leaking amniotic fluid, but water didn’t break completely, yet.🤔)

They say the second is bigger 😟??)