Putting our dog down..is it wrong??

My family's corgi, Boomer, is on the way to be put to sleep as I type this.

He is 14 and today just so happens to be his and my mom's birthday. We've had him since he was 3 months old. So he is a part of the family. The last thing anyone wants is to lose him.

For the last year, he has been on medication for liver failure. And 2 months ago, his labs showed the medication wasnt working anymore and his liver failure had progressed exponentially, so he came off all of it. They said once he gets close to the end the liver failure can cause seizures.

Last night he had his first seizure at 8 p.m

and it lasted 8 minutes. We called the emergency vet and they said to keep an eye on him and bring him in if he has 3 in 24 hours. (I read online he should have been seen since it was over 5 mins but apparently I'm just dumb), for 3 entire hours afterwards he paced with his little arthritis ridden legs and hips and kept collapsing and running into walls

After the 3 hours he came to, and would respond to touch and us talking to him. An hour later he had another one that lasted about a minute and for about 45 minutes he did the pacing and collapsing.

Called the vet, they said, if he has one more, come in.

My mom slept next to him all night and he didn't have another one. He sat with my daughter and I all day and he didnt have one during the day.

At 8 I got out of the shower and he was having another one, so we decided as a family. It was time to let him go and take him to the vet.

My fiancé thinks we are just trying to get rid of him. He says it is inhumane and asked if I would put my mom down if she had Boomers condition. He says we are rushing it and should let him die naturally at home.

What is your opinion?

I don't want to let Boomer suffer but now my fiance is making me feel like we are bad people.