
For mommas that have babies close in age! I was wondering if you got pregnant fast with your second child? My husband and I were TTC for 2 years before I got pregnant. First pregnancy sadly ended in a miscarriage! Got pregnant 4 months later and had my baby girl this past June! She is just a little over 3 months old. My husband and I want our children very close in age (preferably no more than two years apart) which means we want to start trying again next month, just in case it takes a while. I Was just wondering if anyone who had a harder time conceiving their first, If it was the same with the second baby, or if it happened faster based on how close you conceived after having your first!

Thanks in advance ladies 😊

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Posted at
Following! We are on our first month ttc baby #2. Baby dust to you!


Jennifer • Sep 16, 2020


Lexy • Sep 16, 2020
Thanks momma 💗 baby dust to you as well


Posted at
Its actually taking us longer this time around we’re on cycle #9 of ttc and my daughter just turned 2, it took us 4 months to conceive her so I guess everybody is different 🤷🏽‍♀️