So many questions...


Hi ladies.

So on June I had a blighted ovum and my doc send me medication to threw away the sac, everything went fine.

Our last pregnancy was a surprise so currently my fiancé and I, we are on our first month TTC after the event and recently I bought an opk, and I’m very new to this.

I have the PREMOM app and the app that comes with the opk that I bought (PREGABLE). I have a 34 days cycles and I’m testing twice a day (I know, a lot) but I’m trying to figure out how’s my body working and how does the kit works too.

At the moment this is my list of tests, I have a bunch of questions so if anyone can help me I would be very thankful.

1. What are the best hours to test?

2. Is it bad that my test are one hour super light and the other ones it’s a bit darker?

3. Do you guys have any advice that are important to know?