Conflicted on wanting another...

Alex • 6/30/20 💙

It took us 18 months to conceive my son and it wasn’t a fun pregnancy. I hasaaated being pregnant! He’s now 11 weeks old. Up until this week I have been deadset on no more kids. My husband has a 12 1/2 and 13 1/2 year old that live with us full time. Our house has 4 bedrooms so they each have their own room, and we have an extra room as a playroom for baby. My husband is 34 and doesn’t want more kids. But I know if I did he wouldn’t care. The biggest thing I’m worried about is the cost though! I’m a SAHM and we have a ton of debt. My husband makes enough to pull us through each month but we’re pretty tight. I just can’t stop thinking about the birthing experience and how much I loved it. And I just adore my son. The more I think about it the more I want another one. But then I feel like it would be a mistake. I just don’t knoe😭