Toxic MIL

Anon rant to my toxic mother in law.

Fuck you. God I’ve wanted to say that for a long while now. Fuck you for constantly making your own son feel like a worthless piece of shit. Fuck you for always playing the victim. Fuck you for blaming your own son for his dad leaving.

I don’t think you will ever change. You’re a narcissist. You mentally abuse your son on a daily basis. You’re passive aggressive towards everyone. You lie on social media and make yourself look like the best mum in the world. You try and smother both of us too much. You try and control everything your son does, even down to how he does his hair or what colour he can dye it. You make everything about you. Even when we told you we had miscarried 3 (now 4) times you somehow made our traumatic experience about YOU.

I don’t want you at our wedding. Thank god we’re on the road to moving out, I hope I never have to see you again. You’re far too toxic to be in our lives and our future children’s.