9DPO: Please Share Your Symptoms 😬

𝐉❥ • 33 | 𝐓𝐭𝐜 ❥ | Infertility Journey

I’m currently at 9DPO.

And my Symptoms are:

1. Sensitive to smell

2. Nausea

3. Didn’t have much of an appetite

4. Soft/Diarrhea like Stools

5. Tender Breasts & Feeling full

6. Felt so heavy & weak (as if I was dragging myself everywhere I walked

7. Both — left & right slight cramping.

8. Bloating

9. Felt cold

10. Neck ache

11. Headache

12. Slightly gassy

What’s yours or was yours at 9DPO?

- J ❥