Is my fiancé lying to me?

Amber • Wife . Mommy 👼🏽 🌈 👦🏽👧🏽

Hey everyone, I’m new to the group and I really need some advice. My now fiancé and I have been together for almost 9yrs. We have a 1.5yr old and are tying for our second. The state I live in I’m not originally from here and I have no family here. I met him here and he has all his family here. His family doesn’t help in anyway with our son so with us trying for our second, I’ve been wanting to move closer to my family. My fiancé is all for the move but when he told his mom she wasn’t happy about it at all. She feels like we’re taking her grandson away from her. I don’t understand why she feels this way because she barely visits him and NEVER helps out with him.

I have a government job and can transfer my job to any state. My fiancé makes the bulk of our family’s income so in my spare time I like to search jobs for him that meet his qualifications. So basically we can’t move until he finds a job. Our lease is up at the end of March and it would be perfect if we could move before or around that time. This move will not only allow us to be closer to my family but also get us closer to purchasing our home.

Lately, I’ve been feeling like my fiancé has been slacking in the job search. He seems to put more time into making beats and playing his video game. I have no problem with him doing those things but I want his main hobby to be “finding a job” until he finds one. It also makes me feel like my efforts to help him have gone to waste. Sometimes I feel like he’s just telling he wants to move but he really doesn’t. Before you ask, “yes” I have told him about this but he makes me feel as if I’m nagging him. I want this move BAD but something tells me we’re going to be stuck in this state for another year. I don’t know what to do.