Showing at 9 weeks


So im feeling a bit insecure. Im 9 weeks pregnant and I already have a pretty noticeable bump. I also was diagnosed to have an ovarian cyst which is probably contributing to the bloat. But im feeling very insecure because everywhere I look, all the mamas at this point have tiny Itty bitty bellies and you can't even tell theyre pregnant. Then there's me, already wearing maternity pants and can't fit into my form fitting t-shirts. Funny thing is i actually lost weight! I lost 10 lbs since pregnant. This picture is hardly flattering but please tell me im not going crazy. Ive gone to my appts, been told im healthy, ive seen the baby all is well. Appears to only be 1 baby although twins run in my husband's family, hes a twin himself actually. Im not sure why im feeling so insecure about this... 🥺