After C-Section!!


So I had C-Sections with 2 of my births (My 8 yr old & 5yr old). Then Nov 5th, 2018 I had a late term miscarriage at 19 weeks and I delivered my daughter naturally and it was HARD & it was the worse thing ever and I’m definitely traumatized from it the pushing the pain ALL OF IT scares me!! So with that being said this time around with the birth of my twins the doctors would like for me to try natural again (due to some health issues the c section isn’t the safest option) & I’m just so SCARED. My daughter weight 8oz when I delivered her (21 weeks early) & I’ve never had to push out a big baby now to have to push out TWO I’m freaking out !!!! So the question is do you momma have any tricks or know of anything I can do to calm my nerves because I literally have nightmares about natural birth

Thanks in advance

(Baby A : Ryder 💙 & Baby B: River💖)