Why is breastfeeding so hard?!!


Rant coming! Sometimes I just want to tear my hair out it's so frustrating! This is supposed to be such a natural thing and we started off struggling. My son is 6 weeks old and struggled with latching. Tore my nipples up and none of the LCs in the hospital really did more than tell me about doing the hamburger move. (I swear to beans if I read anything else about making the breast into a mouthful I will actually scream!) Right before we were discharged I got a nipple shield and that's the only way we've been able to continue breastfeeding. After my nipples healed, about a week later, I started trying to wean him off the shield and had a video consult with a LC. For a few weeks we were making progress and I could get him to latch to the bare breast about once a day by always offering it first.

Last week that changed. He stopped latching without the shield no matter when I offer. He just kind of bobs his head there with his lips rolled in like he doesn't recognize it. When I try the bait and switch i either do it too soon and he screams or too late and he's satisfied enough not to try. I tried offering when he's sleepy or not really that hungry and he will just keep bobbing his head until he gets frustrated and then I have to put the shield on. I don't know what to do anymore. I know, keep using the shield. But I'm terrified it's going to effect my supply. Today scared me because his past few feedings he's been so agitated at the breast like he's not getting enough or not fast enough. If he was just cluster feeding it was unlike anything else he's done before. Maybe it's just part of the 6 week growth spurt? Ugh 🙄😒😒😒 I feel like I live my life in a constant state of IDK now.