

Hello ladies I need help has Anyone experience this before

First hcg beta was sep 3 my hcg was at 19

Second hcg was sep 8 hcg was at 562 and progesterone at 12.9

I started spotting September 14 so my dr order more labs hcg was 11378 and progesterone 11.5 the next day sep 15 at 5weeks 4 days the spotting continued no heavy bleeding just spotting so I decided to go to urgent care because my dr would not get back to me they did a vaginal exam and an ultrasound they said they did t see anything in the ultrasound and that it couldn’t be an ectopic pregnancy however they also didn’t see anything the tubes after the exam and ultrasound I started heavy bleeding that lasted all evening and today sep 16 I’m just spotting agin I’m still waiting for today’s labs to come back to see if my hcg changed idk what to think any more is it a miscarriage is it an ectopic or can I still have hoe that everything will be fine